The cold weather being experienced increases the circulation of viruses and decrease the immunity of the body. People may experience dryness of skin, nose, etc and may develop runny nose after outdoor activities. The virology Unit of the Medical Research Institute (MRI) reported an increase of the influenza virus, Consultant Community Physician Dr. Kapila Jayaratne said.
According to Dr. Jayaratne, all pregnant mothers should take extra precaution on preventing Influenza during this cold weather and they should get admitted to a hospital immediately if they develop fever.
The Health Ministry advises all pregnant women to take precautions and all those who suffer from fever for over three days should get their blood tested under the instructions of a doctor.
All who suffer from any type of respiratory disease should seek medical advice or get themselves admitted to a hospital immediately if they develop any type of breathing difficulty.
All high risk groups such as infants, children, elderly, pregnant mothers and persons who suffer from chronic diseases should avoid crowded places during this cold weather and wear masks to protect themselves. Washing hands with soap and germ killers are recommended. Sick persons should cover their faces while sneezing and coughing, Dr. Jayaratne advised.
The public should consume warm drinks, nutritious meals and food high in vitamins and minerals during these days to keep up their immunity. They should follow medical advice and use drugs as prescribed. Hospitalisation without delay is also important, he added.