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Sri Lankan Housemaid Killed in Oman

Ac­cord­ing to the re­ports re­ceived so far, the woman had been al­legedly killed by a Pak­istani man

A Sri Lankan mi­grant house­maid in Oman was found to be killed in a city, out of Mus­cat, the Cap­i­tal of Oman, Sri Lanka For­eign Em­ploy­ment Bureau of­fi­cials said.

They said that the house­maid was not reg­is­tered with the Sri Lanka For­eign Em­ploy­ment Bureau (SLFEB).

They said that the house­maid was not reg­is­tered with the Sri Lanka For­eign Em­ploy­ment Bureau (SLFEB).

For­eign Em­ploy­ment Min­is­ter Tha­latha Atuko­rale told that the Min­istry was co­or­di­nat­ing with the Omani Po­lice and the Sri Lankan Mis­sion in Oman to get more in­for­ma­tion into the death of the house­maid.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, the house­maid had been killed by slit­ting her throat few days ago. Min­is­ter Athuko­rale said the Sri Lanka For­eign Em­ploy­ment Bureau could not take up the re­spon­si­bil­ity of bring­ing back the body since she had not been reg­is­tered with the SLFEB.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, the house­maid had been killed by slit­ting her throat few days ago. Min­is­ter Athuko­rale said the Sri Lanka For­eign Em­ploy­ment Bureau could not take up the re­spon­si­bil­ity of bring­ing back the body since she had not been reg­is­tered with the SLFEB.

“De­spite our un­wa­ver­ing effort to ed­u­cate the Sri Lankan women the haz­ards of mi­grat­ing overseas via un­reg­is­tered agents, it seems to be con­tin­u­ing. Some of them are still go­ing overseas with­out fol­low­ing the proper chan­nels at the Bureau. It makes us very dif­fi­cult to con­tact them in times of emer­gency,” the Min­is­ter said. How­ever, she said ac­cord­ing to the re­ports re­ceived so far, the woman had been al­legedly killed by a Pak­istani man, af­ter a dis­pute be­tween them about a clan­des­tine af­fair of the woman with an­other man. How­ever, Ms.atuko­rale said the de­tails were yet to be con­firmed by the Sri Lankan Am­bas­sador Mr. Pad­manathan in Oman.the SLFEB im­ple­mented a reg­u­la­tion, with ef­fect from Jan­uary 1 that the Bureau would no longer make any effort to bring back Sri Lankan house­maids from abroad, if they had not reg­is­tered with the Bureau prior to their de­par­ture.

“De­spite our un­wa­ver­ing effort to ed­u­cate the Sri Lankan women the haz­ards of mi­grat­ing overseas via un­reg­is­tered agents, it seems to be con­tin­u­ing. Some of them are still go­ing overseas with­out fol­low­ing the proper chan­nels at the Bureau. It makes us very dif­fi­cult to con­tact them in times of emer­gency,” the Min­is­ter said. How­ever, she said ac­cord­ing to the re­ports re­ceived so far, the woman had been al­legedly killed by a Pak­istani man, af­ter a dis­pute be­tween them about a clan­des­tine af­fair of the woman with an­other man. How­ever, Ms.atuko­rale said the de­tails were yet to be con­firmed by the Sri Lankan Am­bas­sador Mr. Pad­manathan in Oman.the SLFEB im­ple­mented a reg­u­la­tion, with ef­fect from Jan­uary 1 that the Bureau would no longer make any effort to bring back Sri Lankan house­maids from abroad, if they had not reg­is­tered with the Bureau prior to their de­par­ture.

With this reg­u­la­tion, any house­maid, who had gone abroad for em­ploy­ment with­out reg­is­ter­ing with the Bureau, would not be brought back at state ex­pense even in case of ill health, mis­treat­ment by em­ploy­ers or their bod­ies, in case of death

With this reg­u­la­tion, any house­maid, who had gone abroad for em­ploy­ment with­out reg­is­ter­ing with the Bureau, would not be brought back at state ex­pense even in case of ill health, mis­treat­ment by em­ploy­ers or their bod­ies, in case of death