Cabinet Co-Spokesman Gayantha Karunathilake addressing the Cabinet briefing at the Government Information Center said Cabinet approval had been given to call bids to select a contractor for the Central Expressway Project and to call for technical and financial proposals for the Ratnapura Expressway project.
He said obtaining bids and proposals for the construction of third phase of the Central Expressway Project from Pothuhera to Galagedara covering a distance of 32.5 km was made by the Highways Minister Lakshman Kiriella.
He said obtaining bids and proposals for the construction of third phase of the Central Expressway Project from Pothuhera to Galagedara covering a distance of 32.5 km was made by the Highways Minister Lakshman Kiriella.
Bids and proposals for selection of a contractor and a consultant according to the recommendations made by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Management on the above project was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, he said.
Construction of the Ratnapura Expressway covering 73.9 kilometers from Kahathuduwa interchange to Pelmandulla on the Southern Expressway (E01) was also approved by the Cabinet.
The feasibility studies, preliminary design and Environmental Impact Assessment are being carried out at present. The Exim Bank of China has agreed to fund its construction.