Carlton Sports Network Director Rohan Weliwita yesterday said that Rs.157.5 million said to have been confiscated last week does not belong to any director or shareholder of the company.
Rohan Weliwita while rejecting media reports that the sum of Rs.157.5 million belonging to CSN had been confiscated, yesterday said that he was made to understand by officers of the FCID that this money belongs to a company by the name of Amtrad Holdings (Private) Limited.
The full statement : Last week it was widely reported in the media that a sum of Rs 157.5 million belonging to the CSN channel had been confiscated by the governement.
However, the money said to have been confiscated does not belong to CSN. Nor does that money belong to directors of shareholders of CSN from its inception to the present. “I was made to understand by officer of the FCID that this money belongs to a company by the name of Amtrad Holdings (Private) Limited.
“Some media had mistakenly reported that one of the directors of Amtrad Holdings by the name of Rohan was my self. “This confusion has damaged the reputation that I built up over four decades as a media person and an artiste”.