Northern Province Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran who led a mass protest in Jaffna, Saturday said that it was only an effort to win reasonable demands to Tamil people’s grievances and not an act against the Sinhala people in the South.
Speaking at the end of the protest Wigneswaran said although it was seven years since the war ended the Tamil people were yet to receive viable solutions to their grievances.
Wigneswaran said that some with vested interests were trying to distort the aim of the protest and stressed that people should not be misled.
Meanwhile, the main Tamil party, Tamil National Alliance, had no part in the demonstration organised by the Tamil People’s Council (TPC).
Several TNA leaders noted that the demonstration was ill-timed.
The protesters walked to the Muchchaweli grounds from two locations, the Jaffna University and the Nallur Kovil.
Meanwhile, some protesters were heard shouting that TNA had failed to fulfill their election pledges.
The demonstrators made several demands from the government which included the release of Tamil prisoners whom they identified as imprisoned due to political reasons, to halt Sinhala majority settlements in the North, return of the civilian lands held for military purposes and tracing the missing people.
Business outlets in Jaffna and several other towns remained closed.
Speaking at the end of the protest Wigneswaran said although it was seven years since the war ended the Tamil people were yet to receive viable solutions to their grievances.
Wigneswaran said that some with vested interests were trying to distort the aim of the protest and stressed that people should not be misled.
Meanwhile, the main Tamil party, Tamil National Alliance, had no part in the demonstration organised by the Tamil People’s Council (TPC).
Several TNA leaders noted that the demonstration was ill-timed.
The protesters walked to the Muchchaweli grounds from two locations, the Jaffna University and the Nallur Kovil.
Meanwhile, some protesters were heard shouting that TNA had failed to fulfill their election pledges.
The demonstrators made several demands from the government which included the release of Tamil prisoners whom they identified as imprisoned due to political reasons, to halt Sinhala majority settlements in the North, return of the civilian lands held for military purposes and tracing the missing people.
Business outlets in Jaffna and several other towns remained closed.