Former Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said his son Ramith Rambukwella, who was arrested on charges of drunk driving this morning, had a hit a tree.
“There was a bachelor’s party. He was returning from it. On his way, his vehicle hit a tree,” the former Minister told Daily News Online.
“There was no damage to anyone, no damage to a third-party, or to public property – his vehicle just, hit a tree,” he said.
Ramith Rambukwella was released on Police bail a short while ago.
This is not the first time the son of the former Minister of Media and Information has been in trouble for drinking too much.
In June 2013, the then 21-year-old national cricketer tried to open the cabin door on a British Airways flight from St Lucia to London Gatwick.
It was alleged he was inebriated at the time.
Rambukwella said he mistook the cabin door for the lavatory, and implied the mistake happened, because he was half asleep.
He was made to forfeit 50% of his tour fee and was issued a severe warning from Sri Lanka Cricket.
The audio recording of former Minister Keheliya Rambukwella responding to the Daily News Online journalist can be accessed below:
“There was a bachelor’s party. He was returning from it. On his way, his vehicle hit a tree,” the former Minister told Daily News Online.
“There was no damage to anyone, no damage to a third-party, or to public property – his vehicle just, hit a tree,” he said.
Ramith Rambukwella was released on Police bail a short while ago.
This is not the first time the son of the former Minister of Media and Information has been in trouble for drinking too much.
In June 2013, the then 21-year-old national cricketer tried to open the cabin door on a British Airways flight from St Lucia to London Gatwick.
It was alleged he was inebriated at the time.
Rambukwella said he mistook the cabin door for the lavatory, and implied the mistake happened, because he was half asleep.
He was made to forfeit 50% of his tour fee and was issued a severe warning from Sri Lanka Cricket.
The audio recording of former Minister Keheliya Rambukwella responding to the Daily News Online journalist can be accessed below: