The Kotahena Police took into custody some individuals who attempted to sell 400 litres of Diesel, from a Dimo 'Batta' vehicle, to a private fuel shed in the city of Colombo itself, which had been stolen from a fuel shed at Campbell Park belonging to the Colombo Municipal Council, at Rs 70 per litre.
This stock of diesel had been taken to Kotahena in a Dimo 'Batta' vehicle, bearing number WP PS 3337, owned by the Mihindu Mawatha Office of the Colombo Municipal Council, on 7 October at about 7:00 p.m.
At present three connected to this incident including two employees of the fuel shed at Campbell Park in Borella and a driver of the Colombo Mihindu Mawatha Municipal Office have been interdicted by the Colombo Municipal Commissioner V. K. A. Anura, with immediate effect.
In reply to an inquiry made from the Municipal Commissioner V. K. A. Anura by Ceylon Today regarding the interdiction of three workers, he said that the interdiction in connection with the Diesel fraud was made based on a report issued by the Officer-In-Charge of the Borella Police.
The three suspects were scheduled to be produced in Court yesterday (12).
Meanwhile, there is whispered conversation throughout the Colombo Municipal Council that when an investigation was carried out into the fuel stocks at the Campbell Park fuel shed in Borella by the Internal Audit Investigation Unit of the Colombo Municipal Council no shortage had been found.
Anyhow, a Municipal Councillor of the United People's Freedom Alliance who wished to remain anonymous told Ceylon Today that this fuel of 400 litres had been collected from Lorries and Tippers including other vehicles of the Colombo Municipal Council over a period of time and had been prepared to be sold off at once. The same Councillor said that there had been an agreement to sell each litre of this stolen stock of diesel, at Rs 70.