The Thalangama police have so far failed to arrest Thivanka Vidusha alias "Chili", the actor and singer who allegedly assaulted a 57-year-old man last Friday night, causing injuries to him.
The suspect had fled the area after the incident, the police said.
When we visited the Talangama police, to ascertain the progress of the investigation its Crime Branch officers directed us to the Minor Offences Branch and they in turn asked us to meet the OIC. Then another officer said the OIC was on leave. In the end none of the officers present were able to comment on the progress of the investigation.
On Sunday the Talangama OIC Inspector Nishantha Herath said a team of policemen had been deployed to arrest the suspect.
The victim A. W. Sisiralal, a father of two is a daily paid private bus conductor on the 171 route and he was the sole breadwinner of the family.
When we visited him in hospital he said he was unable to support his children and the wife as he could not report to work.
Police later said that they had recorded a statement from the brother of the suspect. The suspect through his lawyer had informed police that he would surrender by yesterday evening, police.
The suspect had not arrived at the police station at the time of going to press.