The Janatha Vimukthi Pramuna (JVP) yesterday said the President’s recent statement that several investigation units could be operating on a political agenda cannot be taken lightly.
Issuing a statement, the JVP said the President’s comments referring to the Commission to Investigate Bribery or Corruption, the Financial Crimes Investigation Division and the Criminal Investigation Department could discourage officers involved in probes.
Issuing a statement, the JVP said the President’s comments referring to the Commission to Investigate Bribery or Corruption, the Financial Crimes Investigation Division and the Criminal Investigation Department could discourage officers involved in probes.
The JVP described the President’s statement as one which challenges the mandate he received from the voters on January 2015.
While noting that the President has also mentioned about the independent commissions in his recent speech, the JVP said these commissions came to be as a part of the 19th amendment.
The JVP recalled that the commissions were set up due to requests by civil society organisations and the people and also it was a major pledge of the current government.
The JVP said the matter was more serious as the President is the head of state and head of the government.