Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam said yesterday (12th Jan.2017) that thirty one children who had applied for Grade-1 admissions at Royal College in Colombo allegedly using fraudulent documents will be de-listed.
He told a media briefing that the admissions to the Grade-1 at Royal College had been suspended after the Education Ministry launched a special inquiry into the admission process.
“The inquiry was launched after receiving several complaints about the irregularities that are alleged to have taken place in admissions. We have investigated 147 addresses mentioned in the applications and have recovered 31 fraudulently prepared documents,” the minister said.
He said the documents had addresses of several public places, security counters, religious places and business establishments.
In one of these documents, the address was that of the Northern Province Chief Minister’s residence. It was reported that the CM was not even aware of what had happened.