Ten persons were sentenced to death on Monday January 09 by the Badulla and Matara High Courts.
Five police officers who were attached to the Kandekatiya police, and a former Civil Defence force member were sentenced to death by the Badulla High Court, after being found guilty of the 2014 murder of a suspect who was in their custody.
Five police officers who were attached to the Kandekatiya police, and a former Civil Defence force member were sentenced to death by the Badulla High Court, after being found guilty of the 2014 murder of a suspect who was in their custody.
Four suspects in the murder of a father of two in Gandhara, twelve years ago, were found guilty and sentenced to death today by the Matara High Court.
One of the defendants in this case had been acquitted of all charges.The victim was 35 year old when he was murdered in 2005.