DIG Priyantha Jayakody has been appointed as the new Police Media Spokesman, the Law & Order and Southern Development Ministry Secretary Jagath P. Wijeweera said at a media briefing yesterday.
Wijeweera said the vacancy had lead to a spate of misleading news stories in the. recent past and said he hoped that the appointment of the new Police Media Spokesman would restore order.
The Ministry has adopted a new policy when dealing with the media, he said.
While the Police are cleared to issue reports on certain subjects, the Ministry will oversee national and international issues, policy decisions and other controversial issues, he added.
DIG Jayakody said the department would be releasing news concerning arrests, drug busts, measures taken to eliminate crime and information on civil security and accidents. DIG Jayakody is Director of the Criminal Records Division and served earlier as the Director of the Police Media Division.
Wijeweera added that 42 media coordinating officers have been appointed for the 42 police divisions in the country too.