Health Minister Dr Rajitha Senaratne yesterday called in the CID to carry out investigations against 14 doctors of the ‘Apeksha’ Hospital (Formally Cancer Institute), Maharagama for visiting Denmark to participate in a seminar.
The Health Ministry spokesman, Nipun Ekanayake, said the Minister had revealed that during the Institutional Heads Meeting held at the Health Ministry yesterday morning.
The Health Ministry spokesman, Nipun Ekanayake, said the Minister had revealed that during the Institutional Heads Meeting held at the Health Ministry yesterday morning.
There were several complaints against the 14 to say that the tour had been funded by a pharmaceutical company. Therefore, the CID would investigate bank accounts of the doctors concerned. Complaints into the incident had also been lodged with the Investigations Unit of the Health Ministry and the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABC).
Ekanayake said that statements had been recorded from the 14 doctors, while a report would be filed and submitted to the Health Minister on Monday (09).
The Minister had also initiated an investigation against doctors who were not using the Russian drug to treat patients with cancer. Deputy Director General (Medical Services- I) Dr Lakshmi Somatunga had said that this report too would be submitted to the Health Minister on Monday (09), he said.
Ekanayake said the Minister had ordered disciplinary action to be taken against those doctors who did not prescribe the Russian cancer drug. (DJ)