Parliamentarians Namal Rajapaksa, D.V. Chanaka, Prassanna Ranaweera and three others were arrested by the Hambantota police in connection with the recent protest in Hambantota, Police said.
They were summoned by the Hambantota police to record a statement in connection with the incident this afternoon.
Western Provincial Councillor Upali Kodikara, Southern Provincial Councillors Sampath Athukorala and Major (Rtd.) Ajith Prasanna were among those arrested.
The protest was held last Friday against the leasing out of Mattala International Airport to India.
The Hambantota Magistrate Court had issued a restraining order preventing protests by MP Namal Rajapaksa and D.V. Upul in the vicinity of the Hambantota Port, Indian Consulate and the roads leading to the Hambantota Port.