The FCID is investigating ex-MP and actress Anarkalli Akarsha and Thisakya Maya Senanayake, daughter of former minister Rosie Senanayake, who were among the organizing team of the 2013 CHOGM in Sri Lanka.
Former supervising MP Sajin Vaas Gunawardena oversaw the organizing of the event, and had a separate office to run its affairs.
Former supervising MP Sajin Vaas Gunawardena oversaw the organizing of the event, and had a separate office to run its affairs.
Questions have been raised as to how Anarkalli, presently in the US, had acquired funds to build a hotel in Koggala.Investigations so far have revealed that MP Namal Rajapaksa had given a state land to her to construct the hotel, FCID sources say.
Also, she has been given a television transmission license.
The FCID is also to investigate the deals done through Anarkalli by businessman Nahil Weerasuriya, who has had close connections with her mother.
Thisakya has a degree on fashion from London College of Fashion.
The FCID is also to investigate the deals done through Anarkalli by businessman Nahil Weerasuriya, who has had close connections with her mother.
Thisakya has a degree on fashion from London College of Fashion.