UPFA MP Namal Rajapaksa, Sudarshana Bandara and Nithya Senani Samaranayake, who were arrested by the FCID over the inquiry conducted under the Money Laundering Act, were today released on bail by the Colombo Additional Magistrate Nishantha Peiris.
They were released on cash bail of Rs. 100,000 with four sureties of Rs. ten million each for every suspect.
They were arrested by the FCID into the inquiry over alleged two transactions worth Rs. 45 million in connection with purchasing Rs. 100 million worth shares of HelloCorp using alleged ill-gotten funds of Gowers Corporation, which headed by MP Rajapaksa.
They were released on cash bail of Rs. 100,000 with four sureties of Rs. ten million each for every suspect.
They were arrested by the FCID into the inquiry over alleged two transactions worth Rs. 45 million in connection with purchasing Rs. 100 million worth shares of HelloCorp using alleged ill-gotten funds of Gowers Corporation, which headed by MP Rajapaksa.