India’s late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s son Rahul said he felt bad when he saw the body of Prabhakaran, who killed his father, Indian media reported.
While addressing a business community at Vadodara in Gujurat on Monday, he said his family followed Mahatma Gandhi’s values and he felt bad when he saw the body of his father Rajiv’s assailant.
“My family has Gandhi Ji’s values. I felt bad when I saw body of my father’s killer Prabhakaran. I shared this even with Priyanka, she said she felt bad too,” he said.
Meanwhile, he said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) helped him by defeating his party in 2014.
“BJP helped me a lot, the Lok Sabha election we lost in 2014 proved to be very beneficial for us. By defeating the Congress, BJP taught me a lot,” Rahul said.